A legendary game-a lot of legendary players

What has made the game as popular as a celebrity?

The game of basketball is not just a game but is passion for most of the fans of this game. People give in a lot of hard work in order to become professional players. They enjoy a different type of fun in this game. In the western part of the world this game is chosen by a lot of people as their career option. But these days even in India, a lot of people are playing basketball professionally. The game has gained a lot of popularity since past few years. More and more people are adopting it as their career choice.

Basketball is not just a game of the ball but it has now been recognized as an exciting career option. People start playing basketball at various levels like state, national, etc. at a very early age. The game has been a craze since ages but has recently gained a lot more popularity. The main reason behind this is the fact that now a days a lot of attention is being paid on the fitness of the children. Another reason is that now day’s parents prefer their kids to choose their own career. They don’t like forcing them into any career. Thus, if the child wants to opt for basketball as a career option, he is free to do so. Thus, the craze for basketball has increased even more.

The upcoming matches

June will witness the most exciting basketball matches including the 2012, Liuzhou international 4 Nations. The matches would be held at the gymnasium of Lining. This is the second match that is being organized by Liuzhou. The first wonderful match of Dejan Stankovic was also organized by Liuzhou way back in the year 2010. A number of teams from across the world would be coming to participate in the tournament. The basketball freaks can eye upon a tough battle amongst countries like United States of America, Germany, china and Lithuania.

The teams are working really hard to groom their top players to fight this battle. Some of the most polished players from all the four teams would be participating in the event. As a special appearance, the member of the team of Beijing Shougang and also an ex-star of the National Basketball Association, Stephon Marbury would also be attending the event. Along with cheering his favorite team he will also have a face to face interaction session with the viewers.

The best part about the match is the cheap rates for the tickets. Basically a person can watch two matches by paying the price of just one ticket.

The venue for the sale of tickets has not yet been announced by the media. But the tickets have been priced at 60, 120, 180 and 260 Yuan.

Four games in one season, a little big surprise

During the winter Classic season, NHL played quite a god game, in spite of their marketing restrictions. No basketball fan can afford to miss the legendary game being played on the eve of New Year’s. The game would be full of spellbounding visuals, huge crowds, wonderful ratings and everything else required to gain some buzz for the game. The game was a very close win by both the teams. But for the basketball fans the game was a sheer treat for their eyes. Every single person had as much fun as the players who played the game. People are really looking forward to the next season of the game which has not been announced yet.

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